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Gang Rules & Information

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Feb 26, 2023
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Vanity Network's gang rules & information
These are the gang rules of the server. For our normal server rules, Click Here

Anyone can create a gang within the server absolutely free of charge. Get a group together, find some clothing and get yourself out there.

The staff and gang team will review every report on a case-by-case basis. Given the human nature of roleplay (RP), not every situation can have a specific rule. Therefore, the staff reserves the right to use their experience and judgment for each report, resulting in potentially different outcomes for similar reports.

Gang Membership:
A gang can have no more than 15 members. Associates don't exist within the 15. Associates may wear one piece of a gangs clothing so they're able to be identified within a specific gang but CANNOT be involved with gang beef, wars or any other gang-on-gang related scene.

Property Ownership:

Tables, materials, weapons and money owed to the player from the gang belong to the organization unless clearly stated and kept separate. Upon leaving or being "blooded out," you cannot steal items from the gang.

Roleplay Quality:

Gang RP is a privilege, not a right. If we find your RP low quality or in bad faith, gang staff reserve the right to disband and remove your gang.

Gang Naming:
The use of real gang names is prohibited and will result in your gang being disbanded.

Rule of eight:

No more than 8 people should be “riding out” at one time.
Only 3 vehicles are allowed during “ride outs”.

Initiation Timer:
A 30-minute initiation timer is in place unless an ongoing scene is active, in which case the timer extends until the scene concludes.

You have the option to either rob illegal item(s) and leave them in stage 1 or you can stage 2 the player, not both, to prolong roleplay during gang beef, wars or any other gang related scene.

Witch Doctor:

You must roleplay the witch doctor during gang scraps (not wars) even if you can’t afford it to prolong roleplay. Witch Doctor can revive while in Stage 2, meaning you remember all prior events leading up to your Stage 2 state. There is a max limit of 3 times it can be used during a gang scrap; this means that you have to choose who you want to leave or use the Witch Doctor on. (This does not mean you can Stage 2 players then take them to the witch doctor just because you want to rob their items.)

You are unable to breach any sort of heist, unless you're in an active gang war. If you're in a gang war, you are able to breach but you are unable to complete the heist. (Make sure everyone is running clips of the breach/scene.)

Blooded Out Rules:
If you are "blooded out" of a gang, you must forget sensitive gang information.

This includes, but is not limited to:

Gang Information (FORGET): Stashes, locations, territory plans, lab, trap house, and/or factory locations, gang relationships, vehicles, gang plans (past, current, and future).

What you DON'T forget: Names, gang members' full names, gang colours (easily relearned), knowledge of drugs (recipes), knowledge of guns (recipes).

  • If you leave or get blooded out of a gang you are automatically put on a 3 day gang cool-down, once a member has been blooded or left it’s the gang leaders responsibility to report this in a gang ticket to make gang staff aware.
  • You cannot re-join the same gang for 1 month unless roleplay dictates otherwise.
  • Gang Staff have the right to wave a cooldown.
  • You can visit other gang’s turf/property to express interest but you may not help in any sort of gang activity.

Streams and Metagaming:

  • In Gang RP, you must record all gameplay. For reports, include 2 minutes before and after the incident with unaltered audio. Clips must be posted in chronological order in the ticket.
  • Reports of metagaming require solid evidence such as clips or screenshots. Reports without this will be closed.
  • While in the city, you may not watch any Vanity Network streams. Being caught in other streamers' chats will result in the full metagaming punishment.

Gang Turf/Territory Rules:

  • Gang baiting is prohibited, and will result in gang strike.
  • Accessing a gang’s compound or territory solely for hostile action is prohibited. There must be sufficient reasoning and roleplay desire.
  • Prioritize High-Quality RP; staff will use their judgment at all times.
  • On your turf, wear at least one item representing your gang.
  • If another gang initiates a fight/shootout on your turf, they accept the fight knowing there may be more than 8 of you.
  • When utilizing turf, ensure all players wear gang-representative clothing.
  • Outside of wars, full and proper initiation is required on your turf.
  • On another gang’s turf, the rule of 8 applies to you.
  • Defending gangs may have up to 15 members present on their turf.
  • Gangs on their turf cannot pursue you with all 15 members.
  • You are unable to retreat back to turf/compound during a fight with the intent to add more members to the scene.
  • You can’t refuse to roleplay with a gang because you don’t like their style of roleplay.
  • Gang Management has the right to remove any gang from the laptop/territory.

Gang War Rules:

  • In gang wars, gangs can have up to 8 members at a time.
  • Gangs must declare and end wars face-to-face. Hostile RP is prohibited during these meetings. (The KP’s can be utilized for this.)
  • All members must wear full colours/gang outfits throughout the war, including vehicles.
  • Only three vehicles can be used at once during a war.
  • Verbal identification suffices for initiation against the enemy gang, but poor RP, especially against PD and bystanders, will be penalized.
  • Greenzones apply.
  • Gang staff or KP must be informed before the war starts.
  • Gang Management has the right to stop gang wars at any time.

Gang Raid Rules (vs PD):

  • Up to 15 gang members are allowed at the compound during a raid.
  • Gangs must fear for their lives and freedom.
  • Gangs cannot call other gangs for help.

Hostile Events Within Territories:
  • On base zone: 15 members.
  • On claimed zone: 12 members.
  • Everywhere else: 8 members.
  • Members must wear gang colours/outfits.

Unfair Advantages:
  • You are unable to camp black screens (Any sort of labs, House Robberies, Trap Houses)
  • You are unable to use external crosshairs while in Vanity Network (Crosshair X etc)
  • Fragging Packs are not allowed. This includes no props packs, we are a serious RP server. (You must have a day/night cycle)
  • Shadows must be ON!
  • Blood/Hit effects are not allowed (Confetti, Money etc)
  • Tracer packs are not allowed
  • Stretched Res (4:3, 5:4) is not allowed
  • Emote Binds are not allowed during fights (/e sleep, /e sit, etc)
  • “Seat 5” hop outs are not allowed. This goes for EVERYONE.
  • Handcuffing/Tackling isn’t allowed mid fights to gain an advantage.

Gang strikes:
Each member of a gang is responsible for the gang they are in, this means if the leader recruits someone irresponsible it is at their own discretion. If one member breaks a major rule or a consistent flow of misdemeanour rule breaks a gang strike will be implemented to the gang responsible.

Three gang strikes will result in the gang being disbanded. Additionally, the members of the gang that has been disbanded due to gang strikes will be further blacklisted from joining the whitelisted gangs for a minimum term of TWO weeks up to the maximum term of a PERMANENT blacklist and chances of joining are reduced.

Gangs that have been disbanded cannot be recreated, however you may appeal this and provide a valuable reason as to why this gang should be revived or started again whether that is by the same or different group of members.

Gang strikes can be removed if no rules were broken by each member of that gang for TWO weeks and their roleplay is held to the highest standard.

Gang strikes are final and cannot be appealed. However, can be removed following the instructions stated above this message.

Vanity Network reserves the right to amend gang rules at any point without notice. Make sure you are familiar with the rules before taking part in any sort of Gang RP.
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