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Server Rules

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Staff member
Feb 26, 2023


  • Breaching any of the server and community rules stated below will result in the relevant punishment to your rule breaks, this includes a warning, kick, ban, blacklist, and even a removal of your whitelist status.
  • Vanity Network reserves the right to remove anyone from the server, discord, forums, and store at any time if we don't believe you're here for good intention.
  • To report a player for broken rule(s) you will need to create a ticket in our main discord no more than 24 hours after the incident took place. We go by a 'no clip, no sit' rule, this means you must provide a clip for the appropriate action to be taken. Please provide the following when creating a report.
    1. Clip(s) of the incident
    2. The player(s) ID that have broken rules. You can do this by holding your 'U' key in-game
    3. There must be sound in the clip(s) you provide in your report
    4. The reason you are reporting the player(s) or group(s).
  • Any action taken by members of staff are final. You have the right to appeal your ban in our main discord via our support ticket system if you feel your ban is incorrect.
  • Messaging staff or talking about your ban in general chats will result in a ban from the platform you are using.
  • Staff reserve the right to apply punishments to any member for unwritten rules for example - serious roleplay rules, common sense rules, and situational rules.
  • You must have a working microphone with push to talk setup to take part in the server.
  • Names must be realistic and cannot be offensive.
  • Any advertisement that is not Vanity Network related or approved within the city or discord will result in either a ban or a blacklist.
  • Everyone must be treated fairly and with respect, including the people you may not get on with.
  • Selling and/or attempting to sell anything in-game for real life money will be subject to a blacklist.
  • Toxicity is frowned upon in our community and will result in a removal from the server and/or the community.
  • Vanity Network is an open server, however age restricted. In order to join our server or request a whitelist, you must create a support ticket in our main discord.

We welcome twitch streamers with open arms here at Vanity Network, and ask that you follow the Twitch TOS and Community Guidelines while in the server. You can find Twitch TOS here.

Anyone found to be using racial, derogatory, homophobic, and ableist language will be subject to a permanent removal from our community and server.

Any unwanted physical, verbal or sexual harassment will not be tolerated anywhere within Vanity Network, and if caught doing so, you will be blacklisted from all our platforms.

Killing a player must be last resort. Killing a player without any build-up or storyline is considered RDM and will result in a punishment. Players must be visible to each other in order to initiate, you cannot initiate from a vehicle. The player you are initiating on needs to be given a chance to respond to the initiation to better the roleplay experience. You must have a valid reason to initiate on a player.

Intentionally using your vehicle to hit or kill a player is considered VDM and will result in a punishment. Accidental VDM can happen, if that is the case you must go back to them and apologise and help them. Placing your vehicle in front of oncoming traffic at high speeds is considered VDM. Hitting a player slowly to knock them over is also considered VDM.

Pitting is allowed in the city, however this needs to be done within reason and not at excessive speeds. No one other than police should be pitting a vehicle at or above speeds of 85mph. You should be aware of your surroundings when attempting to pit as well. Pitting on a mountain, or pitting someone off a bridge or any high altitudes can be considered VDM if not conducted appropriately.

Using a vehicle in a way it isn't designed to be used for is considered GTA driving, this includes the following with the application of common sense:

1. Stunt jumps are allowed, however you do these at your own risk. If your vehicle hits the ground on anything other than its tyres and rolls over 2 or more times, you MUST stop and get out of the vehicle (For stunt jumps only). You can continue to run, but cannot flip the vehicle back over if it lands on its roof after the jump.
2. Using any vehicle that doesn't have off-road capabilities to go off-road and up mountains.
Your "non off-road vehicle cannot go off-road even if you've put off-road tyres on it;

All vehicles can drive on train tracks! You do not have to roleplay out crashes, no matter how fast you're going, you can continue to drive (as long as it wasn’t off a stunt jump, if it was, the stunt jump rule comes into play).

Doing anything that is considered impossible and/or unrealistic within the server is considered as failed roleplay. If you can't physically do a motion within the game via emotes, we ask that you /me it instead to increase the scene that you are in. Not roleplaying with NHS, LSMPS, and other players because you want to get the scene over with is also considered as failed roleplay and will result in a punishment.

Using /me unrealistically or realistically with items that don't exist or exist but you don't have in your inventory is considered as failed roleplay and can extend to powergaming which will also result in a punishment. Please see below examples of what would be subject to breaking this rule:

1. /me *puts knife to neck* while you are driving a vehicle. Other passengers in the vehicle are allowed to do this, not the driver.
2. Pretending you're dead for something that wouldn't kill you to avoid being arrested or roleplay with NHS.
3. Telling the NHS your injuries aren't that bad to get out of the hospital quicker.

Common sense must be applied into this rule to the appropriate extent. You can avoid breaking this rule by ensuring you provide high-quality roleplay at all times.

While in city, you must remain in character the entire time, this includes before and after server restarts. Anyone caught breaking character will receive the relevant punishment. Please see below a few examples of what breaking character would consist of:

1. Talking about putting a player into a report, lottery ticket, or a government sit.
2. Using words such as - AFK, VDM, RDM, streaming, discord, GTA, roasties, roast potatoes, green grass, or any words that imply OOC words within roleplay.

Please see below examples of the phrases we allow within the server:

1. Import (Tebex vehicle, item or purchase)
2. Deported (Banned from the server)
3. Muscle (A key on your keyboard or mouse)
4. Headpop (You're lagging)
5. Voicebox (Your microphone)
6. Going to sleep (Logging out of the server)
7. City (The server)
8. In my head (In real life)
9. My Eyes (What you can see on your screen)

Powergaming can also resemble fail roleplay. You cannot do any action that is deemed unrealistic or impossible or abusing game mechanics. Example actions that are considered powergaming is listed below:

1. Carrying a player whilst in a vehicle.
2. Carrying someone through a door, gate, or wall, or any physical object that the player cannot physically or realistically fit through.
3. Storing or pulling a vehicle from a garage to get away from police or another gang/player.
4. Cuffing someone who is actively moving.
5. Keeping hold of someone using the carry or escort feature while you are STAGE 1 or STAGE 2.

Common sense must be applied to adhere by this rule.

V3.10) STAGE 1 & STAGE 2
When you 'go down' in the city, there are two stages:

You are on the floor bleeding from being injured and have a countdown of 5 minutes to get medical attention. During this time, you can still speak, call NHS or police and take in any information around you, however you must roleplay out your injuries to the best of your ability.

Your screen will go dark and your countdown timer will be 3 minutes. This means you are completely dead. You should not be talking and no information should be taken in. You should not be receiving treatment under any circumstance, NHS may attempt to treat you but you are dead, therefore you must roleplay along with NHS as dead. This also includes dirty doctor. You can respawn after the countdown timer has expired as long as the scene is clearly over. If police or NHS are with you before you go stage 2, it is at their discretion to get you revived while stage 2.

If you die (STAGE 2), your character loses all memory and information leading up to your death. You cannot speak about what happened in the scene that caused you to die, and your friends cannot remind you of the incident. Going back to the scene straight after you've just died is also not allowed.

In addition, the people responsible for killing you cannot come back to you to ask you if you remember anything and/or if you have a headache, or if you remember anything, etc.

While in the server, you are required to value your life at all times. You must fear your life if:

1. One or more melee weapons are in close proximity of you
2. A firearm is pointed at you no matter whether it is police or a friend. If a firearm is pointed at you, you must fear as if your life is in immediate danger.
3. If a person/gang has you hostage and are requesting information, you are to give them what they want, or make up a story (this is at your own risk) (The information they're asking for has to be within reason) - No one can force you to withdrawal money from your bank, make you take items from your MLO, office/apartment or give up safe codes.

You are not required to value another person(s) life, if that is what you wish to do in roleplay you may do so. However, players are not expected to value another life other than their own.

This type of roleplay is strictly forbidden in Vanity Network, under no circumstance should this occur within the server no matter the quality of the roleplay or story behind it.

Using information that you've learnt outside the city is strictly prohibited within Vanity and will result in long term bans. This includes the following:

1. Using discord to exchange information that you didn't learn in character. You can also not be in a discord call while in the server even if the others aren't in.
2. Taking information from streams that you didn't learn in character.
3. While in the server, you are not allowed to be in a livestream of someone who is also in the server. If you are caught in their chat or under their viewership, you are liable for a metagaming ban.
4. If you have multiple characters in the city, you are not allowed to keep information learnt on separate characters. For example; you have a police character and are aware of a warrant on someone, you cannot go and tell that person of the warrant on your other character as this character has not learnt that information. This is also known as cross-character metagaming.
5. Your characters have never met, therefore you don't know them. You may portray them as relative(s) however you cannot know anything each other on each character.

Below you will find the rules regarding robberies and heists:

1. Robberies and/or heists cannot be committed within 30 minutes of a server restart.
2. Robberies and/or heists cannot be committed for at least 30 minutes after a server restart.
3. You are allowed a maximum of 8 people excluding hostages to complete a shop, vangelico, bank, any other small / moderate robberies and heists. This also includes the getaway driver.
4. For small and moderate robberies and heists you are authorised to have a maximum of two hostages. Ensure you apply common sense to this and exclude the win hunger mentality, for a shop robbery you shouldn't require two hostages.
5. For high-end and large robberies or heists you are authorised to have a maximum of four hostages. Ensure you apply common sense to this and exclude the win hunger mentality and prioritise high-quality roleplay for all parties.
6. You can have a maximum of two cars on scene at the original heist location (More can be used for getaway vehicles and getaway methods).
7. You are not allowed to use a bike or helicopter at the original heist location, however they can be used after the initial escape to form a decamp.
8. You cannot ask for money or items as a demand for a hostage.

Doing things to get a reaction from police is considered cop baiting, this includes:

1. Running red lights purposely in front of the police for a chase.
2. Committing crime in front of the police for no reason but to get a reaction.
3. Inserting yourself in scenes that do not involve you to get a reaction from the police and divert them to yourself.
4. Using /999, /999a or /101 to simply bait police into finding you or chasing you without a valid roleplay story or reason.
5. Using scenes (graffiti) to provoke a reaction from the police without a valid roleplay story or reason.

Staff have the ability to identify who is placing anonymous dispatches and scenes (graffiti). If anonymous dispatches are abused without a valid roleplay story staff will investigate who is behind this and punishments will be applied.

Scamming players for illegal items is allowed in the server, items that identify as illegal items are anything that can be used in a criminal manner. This includes:
1. Any items that have been taken or made from heists and robberies.
2. Any weaponry, including firearms, knives, explosives, and any other weapons.
3. Equipment used to conduct heists and robberies.
4. Rolls, bands of notes, bags of cash, any physical currency which can be displayed in a players inventory. Cash or money in the bank cannot be forced to be withdrawn from a player.

Scamming players for legal items is strictly forbidden and will result in a punishment. This includes, vehicles and legal items that are made in a legitimate way.

A green zone is also known as green grass, this is an area within the city where no initiation can take place which includes murder, hostage taking, kidnapping, and so on. If a scene starts outside of a green zone, it may be continued if it goes inside the zone, you cannot intentionally run into a green zone to avoid roleplay.

A green zone protects a player from death, kidnapping, hostage taking, anything that can cause harm to the players character or vehicle, this includes robbing them. You are allowed to scam in a green zone. Green zone locations are listed below:

1. All hospitals, this includes the car park, outside the front and back as well as on the roof.
2. Police stations, this includes the car park, outside the front and back and outside the reception.
3. PDM (Car Dealership), also known as Arthurs auto's.

Erotic roleplay (ERP) is allowed on the server, as along as it is consensual. If someone says, no, it means no. Taking part in erotic roleplay when someone has not given consent will result in a ban from the server.

Forcing your way into a scene that you have no involvement in or has any relation to your character is considered force roleplay and will result in a punishment. Ruining others roleplay is heavily frowned upon.

Logging out of the server to avoid losing items or avoid roleplay is considered combat logging and will result in a ban. In addition, storing items during an active scene in an area or location or stash which the players involved in that active scene cannot access is classed as combat storing. Please see the example below:

Example: You are in a fight with a gang and you drive your vehicle and decamp into your apartment which only you can access, you store all of your items then you run back to the fight.

Doing this with police is also prohibited, however - police have the availability to raid your apartment, stashes, and your vehicles.

Robbing players for the sake of getting free and easy items when you had no relation to their killing or scene is considered Ninja Looting, this also includes searching random cars for free items.

If you're in a scene and you think someone has broken a rule, continue with the scene and still give 100%. Deal with the rule break via a support ticket in the main discord after the scene has completely finished. Under no circumstance, should you say to anyone in roleplay that you are reporting this rule break even with the use of allowed terminology such as lottery ticket.

Remaining in a spot for a significant amount of time to rob, kill, or initiate on someone is considered location camping and will result in a ban from the server. An exception can be made if a valid high-quality roleplay story is in-line with your reasoning to camp that location and must be justified to members of staff when reported or brought into a ticket. This is to be done at your own risk. Location camping to take over others heists or robberies is prohibited.

Please continue below.
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New member
Staff member
Feb 26, 2023
If your friend has been arrested, you are allowed to stop the police from taking them as long as your friend isn't inside the police station. Once your friend is past the police station gates, you cannot take a hostage or attempt to get your friend back unless the police do a prisoner transport up to the prison. Going above and beyond to get your friend released from police custody by taking hostages to demand your friends release over a small sentence such as 10, 20, or even 30 months is inappropriate and will result in a punishment. Using helicopters or planes or attempting to glitch out of prison will also result in punishments.

If it is possible, you should always strive to roleplay out a scene instead of instantly pulling a weapon. This includes killing police officers for a simple traffic stop or talking to. Killing or injuring someone must always be last resort with a valid reason. Police officers caught pre-emptively using a taser, baton launcher or any other weapon when there is no threat to life/attempt to get into a vehicle will receive punishments.

Anyone found to be using mods or hacks within the server will be blacklisted from Vanity Network. This also includes using exploits and loopholes within the city.

When taking a hostage, you must adhere to the below rules:

1. You cannot use a fake hostage for robberies or heists at any point.
2. You cannot hold a hostage for longer than an hour unless the roleplay story is valid and high-quality.
3. You cannot take on duty NHS hostage unless a valid roleplay story allows it.
4. You are allowed to take police officers hostage, however expect a tougher response from the police, do this at your own risk.

All hostage situations must be roleplayed to a high standard ensuring all parties are having an enjoyable roleplay experience.

Certain items can be stolen from emergency services, however you must have a valid roleplay reason for doing so. Items that can be stolen are listed below:

1. Flashlights;
2. Spikestrips;
3. Any ammunition;
4. Handcuffs;
6. Body camera;
7. Armour;
8. Radio;
9. Bandage(s);
10. First aid;
11. Medical box;
12. Stethoscope.

Anything that isn't on the list above cannot be taken from emergency services. Stealing equipment you shouldn't have will result in a ban from the server.

Pretending to be an emergency service worker such as the police or paramedic is forbidden, this includes driving their vehicles and wearing their uniform. An exception can be made with a valid high-quality roleplay story or scene.

Stealing police vehicles is only allowed when it is the final resort. Taking a police vehicle without any a valid roleplay story or scene will result in punishments. An example when stealing a police vehicle as a last resort would be appropriate is given below:

1. You are being pursued by the police, you hit your vehicle into a physical object and your vehicle is now stalled. You've been boxed by the police vehicles and get out of the vehicle to run on foot. Police fail to catch you and there are no local or decamp vehicles around you. You spot a police vehicle with the engine on and unlocked, you steal that police vehicle on the scene to get away from the police.

This is appropriate as you had no alternative options and no vehicles were available for you to take so you only had one option and that was to steal the police car and escape. Or you could always surrender to the police and pray for a lesser sentence!


Police are strictly prohibited in being corrupt as it is a whitelisted job that bears a lot of power and responsibility. To read further on how to become a corrupt police officer please read our public police website

You cannot be a whitelisted NHS member and be corrupted due to many factors that take into place such as - access to NHS only items therefore allowing profitable exchanges, access to encrypted radio channels, access to working alongside with the police service therefore able to hear and see confidential operations against groups and gangs, and many more. If you wish to take the route of corruption please create a support ticket in the main Vanity Network discord.

You cannot be a corrupt lawyer for many reasons as this provides an unfair advantage to the corruptive side and this can break others roleplay. When someone gets arrested they're expected to receive legal advice from the lawyers to prevent further self-incrimination, etc. You can become a corrupt lawyer by creating a ticket in the main Vanity Network discord. We expect those who want to take the corruptive side to hold high-standard roleplay and a great corrupt storyline, not simply to make money.


To identify the voice of a character via radio you must understand which character is talking. As many players hold multiple characters you may interact over the radio therefore you do not know who is speaking unless they identify themselves, as you are not aware whether it is the character you think it may be.

Calling someone anonymously doesn't mask your voice, it masks your phone number. Unless you are able to directly recognise the number you are being called from you cannot assume it is the character you are speaking to as again, they may hold multiple characters. Therefore, you remain anonymous until identified.

You cannot identify a voice through a mask unless you are able to identify them through repetitive clothing, tattoos, hair, vehicles that belong to them, number plates and other distinct traits someone may have to recognise it is them.

Aircraft usage must be done correctly and following the rules stated below:

1. Helicopters and planes must fly above 500ft for general purposes unless it is used strictly for a roleplay purpose such as area surveillance or compound surveillance. Other roleplay scenarios and stories may also exempt the 500ft rule.
2. Helicopters and planes cannot land in the main city unless it is on a helipad.
3. Anyone flying an aircraft stupidly or doing anything deemed unrealistic while in a helicopter or a plane will be met with punishments.
4. You cannot use helicopters or planes to get people out of prison.
5. You cannot use helicopters or planes to do any corner selling.
6. You cannot use helicopters or planes at the start of a heist, however they can be used later into the chase for a decamp.

Loitering around emergency buildings without a valid roleplay story or scene is prohibited. The locations which are subject to this rule are listed below:


Any other locations you may congregate around as long as you are not being a nuisance to the location owners or people actively roleplaying in that area.

Spamming police dispatches and any other emergency dispatch is punishable by a warning up towards a ban at most depending on the severity of the spam.

Criminals should be fully aware that committing repeated crimes and pose a threat to both police and civilians will result in that criminal or group to be on the 'Police Radar' this allows the police service to do what is within their power to stop you from continuing in doing what is deemed as threatening and repeated offences. This is known as 'dangerous offenders' and 'severity assessment' - police have the ability to liaise with CPS & Judiciary to warrant raids, seizure of financial assets and other assets, extended sentencing, and so on. Although is it very rare, a life sentence is also possible.

To view and understand our police rules, please click here for more information.

To ensure fair and balanced roleplay for all players, usage of these vehicles in any crime is classed as a rule break. This is because these vehicles are designed to never flip and hold a huge power over regular off-road and on-road vehicles.

4. The Lamborghini Revuelto Off-Road Lifted 2023 cannot be used in any crime. Using this vehicle in crime(s) will result in a day ban.
5. The Ford Bronco 2021 Lifted cannot be used in any crime. Using this vehicle in crime(s) will result in a day ban.

Doors or areas that have a black screen when entering or exiting cannot be camped. This means, you cannot wait outside or inside the door or area and use the players black screen loading time to gain an advantage over them. You must find a different place inside or outside to wait for them to finish loading. If the case is that there is no other place for you to wait for them, you must wait until their character is conscious and then continue your scene. You must allow fair roleplay for all parties.

An example of this could be: A house robbery is taking place, you are actively robbing the place and police are entering the building. You know to enter the building you have a black screen / loading screen. Therefore, you will situate yourself somewhere else in the building to allow the officers to complete their loading screen. You cannot kill them at the door unless they are actively moving.

You cannot take employees hostage without prior relevant initiation inside or outside of the business. You cannot simply run inside a business and take an employee hostage for low quality roleplay reasons. When you STAGE 1 or STAGE 2 a person regardless if it's inside a business or not, it must be last resort. If you choose to take an employee hostage without prior roleplay or initiation it is at your own risk, you must ensure it is fun for both parties and high-quality. Players who are in business grounds but are not employees are fair game, they do not apply to this rule.

Vanity Network reserves the right to amend rules at any point without notice. Ensure you understand the community and server rules before taking part in any roleplay.
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